Frederick County Sheriff’s Office unveils new uniforms
Green is the new brown as Frederick County Sheriff’s Office switches to a new uniform starting Jan. 2. The new uniform features a long or short...
Bethel Police Department to Unveil New Patches on Uniforms in January
The officers of the Bethel Police Department have worn the same patch since the 1970's; a bright blue, yellow, and red patriotic patch that mirrors...
Star Trek: Every Starfleet Uniform & History Explained
Star Trek's utopian idealism may be eternal, but Starfleet's fashion sense is in seemingly constant flux. Virtually every iteration of the franchise...
Army plans to unveil more inclusive hair and grooming regulations
The Army is planning to alter its hair and grooming regulations in an attempt to be more inclusive, Task & Purpose reported on Tuesday. The...
The Robotic Assembly of Garments – An ARM Institute Project Highlight
Despite being universally adopted throughout traditional manufacturing, industrial robots have failed to find a place in garment sewing applications...
French designer Pierre Cardin: The man behind PIA uniforms
French designer Pierre Cardin died aged 98 in a hospital in Neuilly near Paris on Tuesday. The French designer is known for upending fashion in the...
No, That Space Force Uniform Design on Social Media Isn’t Real, Officials Say
Some say it looks like a bad flight attendant uniform. Others compare it to the service dress for the East German police force. But a graphic...
Cintas expands to Middletown with new distribution center
Middletown's economic development efforts got a major boost with the recent announcement that one of southwest Ohio's largest public companies would...
3 things customers need most from you now
Customer experience pros: Crank up the empathy! It’s one thing customers need more than ever from you now. About 75% of customers said they believe...
The Uniform Advantage It’s Not Just What You Wear
Why uniforms? A uniform promotes a consistent brand image, identifies employees, and can convey many things, from a position of authority to a level...
Positive psychology can help family firms in tough times
Adding to the well-known challenges that families in business together have always faced are the hardships created by the COVID -19 pandemic. Only...
A History of the Nike Swoosh Logo
You’ve seen the shoe, and you know the Swoosh — but chances are you don’t know much about the history of the Nike logo, let alone that a woman was...
Air Force Embraces High-tech Solution for Uniform Design
A project is underway to make and supply customized military apparel such as uniforms and shoes by using the three-dimensional physical information...
Re-Born Textiles: Turning garbage into gold
The journey of two local fashion professionals paves the way to the innovative circular fashion industry in Israel. Just a few years ago, Israeli...
Reshoring of Manufacturing Increases in 2020
The United States gradually lost manufacturing jobs from the peak of 19.5 million in 1979 to 17.3 million by early 2000. However, after China was...
Army’s official face mask to be issued to new Soldiers in 2021
The official Army-designed, -tested, and -refined face mask – the Combat Cloth Face Covering (CCFC) – will be provided to new Soldiers during the...
UniFirst Debuts New WonderWink INDY Line of Healthcare Scrubs for Uniform Service Programs
UniFirst Corporation is proud to introduce the addition of a ground-breaking line of healthcare garments to its core uniform service offerings:...
Reno County Sheriff’s Office adopts new uniform colors
The Reno County Sheriff’s office is adopting a new look as it heads into the New Year. Deputies this week began wearing dark gray shirts paired with...
When Bad Customers Love Your Brand
A curious situation concerning Donald Trump’s beloved Proud Boys highlights several novel trends in US culture. A clothing supplier has expressed...
US airport workers fear for safety on Covid frontline, survey reveals
Airport workers in the United States are on the frontline of the Covid pandemic yet many feel they are being unnecessarily exposed to risk through...
How hip hop’s love of the iconic yellow workboot helped make Timberland a billion-dollar company
In the early ’90s, Daymond John was a budding designer, sewing hats to sell in his mother’s Queens, New York, neighborhood. It was during that time...
US Army-funded smart fabric collects dust on ISS
Researchers at the Army’s Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies at MIT have developed an acoustic fabric so sensitive to vibrations that it can...
National Defense Authorization Act Strengthens Berry Amendment
This week, congress passed FY 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which, if signed into law, would support U.S. manufacturing and...
How Clean Green Laundering Promotes COVID-19 Safety in Workplaces
As most people realize by this point, managing the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis requires a multi-pronged approach. Surfaces must be cleaned, hands...
Space Force troops get lapel pin and badge to wear on their Air Force uniforms for now
Space Force service members will soon get lapel pins and service badges to wear on their Air Force dress uniforms to better distinguish the...
Virgin Hotels Las Vegas unveils exclusive new uniform designs
Virgin Hotel Las Vegas, part of the long-awaited reconceptual casino resort Curio Collection by Hilton ™, is a property specially developed for...
Aramark Aims to Donate 5 Million Face Masks – One for Every Mask Sold – to Ronald McDonald House Charities Chapters
Partnership Will Support RMHC and the Vital Services and Compassionate Care They Provide to Children and Their Families Aramark launched a face mask...
U.S. Retail Spending Declined The Most Since Historic Plunge In April
U.S. retail spending declined the most since a historic plunge in April, as new coronavirus surges restricted outings to stores and restaurants....
UniformMarket launches new distributor portal for uniform manufacturers
E-commerce solutions provider Uniform Market has announced the launch of a new distributor portal for manufacturers in the uniform, gear, and...
Recover, the Leader in Sustainable Recycled Cotton, Announces New Funding to Scale Operations and Close the Loop on Fashion
Recover is a family-owned company bringing more than 70 years of innovation in the production of sustainable, recycled cotton fiber; STORY3 Capital...