PRESENTED ON November 3, 2022
Social compliance has been evolving rapidly since its inception a little over two decades ago, with the past two years, in particular, bringing about significant changes.
This session will provide an overview of the recent history and focus on the modern landscape, looking at how current expectations of significant stakeholders – from shareholders to governments to investors to consumers – are resulting in effective social compliance practices being absolutely critical for business success.
Considerations must be made for:
Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations
Prohibition of Forced Labor
Prohibition of Child Labor
Prohibition of Harassment and Abuse
Compensation and Benefits
Hours of Work
Prohibition of Discrimination
Health & Safety
Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining
Customs Compliance
About the presenter:
Avedis H. Seferian, President and CEO of Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP). Seferian joined WRAP in 2004 and became its President and CEO in 2012. He has extensive knowledge of social responsibility issues within the highly complex worldwide supply chains of the apparel, textile and footwear sectors. A recognized expert in the area of social compliance and responsible sourcing, Avedis was named by Assent Compliance as one of the Top 100 Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Leaders for 2020. He often speaks on topics in this field at different forums around the world.
More information here: