Present a naumd webinar

NAUMD Webinar Series

The NAUMD offers its network of companies, employees and the general public a curated schedule of webinars of interest to the uniform, image apparel, and public safety equipment industry. The association presents both in-house and sponsored webinar on specific topics that will be promoted on our website, social media channels, and in The Pulse.


The webinars will be recorded and available in the NAUMD Library for members and the general public to view anytime.

We will encourage everyone to participate in the live event, of course. But the recorded sessions will be a good way to help companies, their employees, new hires and others learn about products and concepts that will aid them in their work.

Examples of topics will range from textile innovations, product sourcing, uniform sales training, online sales, uniform program management, growth strategies, and government regulatory updates.

Member companies and interested non-member companies with products and services of interest to the industry who would like to present may submit proposals.


  • We are now accepting proposals and ideas for webinars
  • Sponsorship/presenter fees for companies are $500 per webinar.
  • Your proposal does not constitute any commitment by your company or the NAUMD
  • You are encouraged to submit multiple proposals and present multiple times
  • Webinars will be recorded and available forever on the NAUMD member portal
  • The recording will be available for your company to use in your own marketing, on websites, and more.

Apply to be a webinar sponsor and/or presenter.




  • This is an example title all parties may adjust if the proposal is accepted.
  • What will your presentation be about? What will participants learn?
  • You can select one or several that suite your schedule. The webinar will be scheduled for only one live presentation.
  • Which of these best describes your proposal?