
The Uniform Chronicles – Launching a New Uniform Program

Sep 9, 2024 | The Uniform Chronicles

NAUMD is pleased to present The Uniform Chronicles, a column written by Leslie Watt McArdle, industry veteran and senior manager of merchandise and product design.

Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of participating in numerous uniform program rollouts with clients, and each one has been a rewarding experience. There’s a unique excitement in seeing a project that’s been carefully developed come to life, especially when it’s finally ready to be unveiled to the world. Being part of that journey with clients is always an honor.

Change is essential, and uniforms are no exception. However, when updating a client’s uniform program, it’s vital to approach the process as evolution, not revolution. The goal is to refresh the image while preserving the brand’s identity. Some clients may want to overhaul their look completely, but it’s important to remember that the new uniforms will need to coexist with the current ones during the transition. Balancing the old with the new is key.

Several crucial factors must be considered before a uniform launch. While a fresh design can generate excitement, flawless execution is what makes it truly successful. Every detail, from production timelines to delivery schedules, plays a role in ensuring things run smoothly. Timing, in particular, can make or break the launch. As I’ve often emphasized in account management, the rollout should align with the availability of inventory to ensure a seamless transition for employees. Sometimes, a client may request an earlier delivery. If possible, that’s fantastic, but rushing to meet an unrealistic deadline can lead to problems. Clients often only remember that you didn’t deliver on time, not the reasons behind it.

Equally important is involving the employees who will be wearing the new uniforms. Their feedback is crucial to the program’s success. A great way to engage employees is through a wear test prior to the official launch, allowing them to try out the uniforms and provide input. After all, they are the ones who will be wearing the uniforms daily, and their involvement in the design process can make all the difference.

Of course, quality is always the top priority. A poorly executed launch can be damaging to both the client and the supplier. To ensure success, suppliers should work closely with clients not just on logistics but also on creating excitement among employees. Help clients market the new uniforms internally, making the rollout a fun and engaging experience. Organize presentations, host mini-rallies, and encourage employees to take pride in the new look. Building enthusiasm around the change can turn a simple launch into a moment of pride for everyone involved.