Four years ago, face masks and other PPE in healthcare were in short supply. Due to the pandemic, both the demand and the amount of waste skyrocketed, which isn’t good for the environment. The very products designed to protect us are slowly becoming a threat to our health. As a result, more governments and organizations are exploring whether we can shift to reusable PPE. But how do we ensure it continues to provide adequate protection, remains hygienic, and reduces the waste pile? Or is this just wishful thinking?
44 million disposable PPEs
It’s no surprise this question is being asked more frequently. According to the Office of the United States Trade Representative, healthcare institutions are estimated to use about 44 million disposable PPEs daily. This amounts to around 15,000 tons of waste in landfills. In 2021, when hospitals decided to reuse gowns, they already saved 52% in costs.
At the Mary Johnston Hospital in the Philippines, they also opted to reuse their PPE during the pandemic. While initially driven by a shortage of supplies, the hospital saved not only on products but also a significant amount of money—total savings reached $220,000 and 10 tons of waste
In Thailand, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital is taking it a step further by replacing disposable plastic packaging with alternative materials such as metal and glass. They are also actively working with suppliers to reduce packaging and implement take-back programs.
Challenges ahead
In New York, enthusiasm for this shift has grown so much that there is now a bill in the Senate proposing that healthcare institutions should reuse at least 50% of their PPE. While this sounds noble, there is still a long way to go before PPE can be reused on a large scale. Research is needed to determine the hygiene implications and identify in which situations PPE can or cannot be reused.
According to the report Reusable Health Care Textiles for Use in Personal Protective Equipment from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (Washington, D.C.), PPE manufacturers and suppliers will play a critical role in this shift. Reusable PPE production will be more labor-intensive, expensive, and will require more frequent quality checks than disposable products. Moreover, the range of available sizes, shapes, and styles is currently limited and must be expanded. Reusable PPE is also expected to take up more storage space, as disposables are more compact.
Recycling PPE isn’t a myth, but it will require a different and innovative approach. However, it’s not a process that will be perfected across the board within a year.