
NAUMD Awards Profile: Washington State Patrol

Mar 21, 2022 | Awards

A program from 2009 takes center stage this week. Supplied by Blumenthal Uniform Company, the Washington State Patrol had come a long way since its establishment in 1921, when the only items issued were a badge, cap emblem and gun. What distinguishes a present day WSP trooper is the campaign hat and bow tie. First introduced in 1937, the black bow tie has remained a constant when wearing the winter or formal uniform, which consists of a long-sleeve blue shirt with dark blue pocket flaps, French blue pants striped with dark blue, and a felt royal blue campaign hat. This uniform may be worn with the traditional bow tie or open collar with a dark blue dickie.

In summer, troopers wear issued pants, short-sleeve shirt, white round-neck T-shirt, and straw or felt campaign hat. Officers do have the option of wearing the summer uniform year round; however the straw campaign hat may only be worn from April 1 to October 31 each year. Troopers and sergeants wear a silver badge and hat braid, while lieutenants and above ranks wear a gold badge and hat braid. Finally, there’s specialized wear for motorcycle officers, bicycle and canine units, and the Special Weapons and Tactics team.

You can learn more about the Best Dressed Public Safety Competition® and any of NAUMD’s awards programs by visiting the homepage and clicking on the awards tab. Entries for the 2022 programs are being accepted through March 24.