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Future Innovators: A Next-Gen Uniforms & Workwear Grant


The Network Association of Uniform Manufacturers and Distributors (NAUMD) is pleased to offer the Future Innovators: A Next-Gen Uniforms & Workwear Grant. This initiative aims to illuminate the vital role of uniforms, image apparel, and workwear in enhancing worker safety, identification, and corporate branding. Our mission is to foster a new generation of industry leaders who are eager to contribute innovative solutions to the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Opportunity Highlights:

As part of the Future Innovators: A Next-Gen Uniforms & Workwear Grant, select college students will be given an extraordinary opportunity to attend the NAUMD’s flagship event, our Annual Convention and Exposition. This immersive experience is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the uniform industry, covering a broad spectrum of topics, including:

The critical challenges workers face and how specialized apparel provides solutions.

The hurdles encountered by uniform manufacturers and suppliers.

Insights into the design, production, and functionality of uniform apparel.

A glimpse into the diverse careers and opportunities within this niche sector.

An overview of the tangible benefits of pursuing a career in the uniform, image apparel, and workwear industry.

Eligibility Criteria:

This grant is open to all college students, with a strong encouragement for applications from those studying textiles, apparel, fashion, merchandising, marketing, and business. We are looking for passionate, curious, and driven individuals eager to make a mark in the uniform industry.

Grant Benefits:

Recipients of the Future Innovators: A Next-Gen Uniforms & Workwear Grant will enjoy a comprehensive package designed to ensure a valuable and hassle-free experience, including:

  • Full registration for the convention, granting access to all speaker sessions, the exhibit hall, and networking events.
  • Complimentary meals and beverages throughout the convention.
  • Three nights of hotel accommodation.
  • A transportation stipend of up to $250 USD.

Application Process:

Interested students are invited to apply for this unique scholarship opportunity by completing the application form below. Join us in paving the way for the future of the uniform, image apparel, and workwear industry. Your journey towards becoming an industry trailblazer starts here!


On behalf of all of us here at NC State, I would like to extend a huge thank you for your hospitality last week at the NAUMD Conference in Atlanta. I'm spending some time this week going through all the resources that I came home with and following up. The entire experience was such a powerhouse of new ideas and exposure that I'm somewhat overwhelmed with how to move forward. But move forward we will, and I'm hoping for some great outcomes in the academia/industry relationship in the future.

Professor Kate Annett-Hitchcock

Over the last couple of days I was able to attend the NAUMD, Network Association of Uniform Manufacturers and Distributors 2023 convention and truly had an amazing time! I was able to learn so much about the industry and make some great connections.

Student Cecilia Monge

At the beginning of this week, I was given the fantastic opportunity to attend the Network Association of Uniform Manufacturers and Distributors' 2023 convention in Atlanta, Georgia. Through this, I caught a glimpse into the workwear industry and have a newfound appreciation after understanding the magnitude of this industry as well as some industry members, including Cintas and Workwear Outfitters. I am excited about the future of the workwear industry and am proud to contribute to universities, such as NC State Wilson College of Textiles, collaborating with this industry.

Student Keeley Smith

Future Innovators: A Next-Gen Uniforms & Workwear Grant - Rules and Regulations

Introduction: The Future Innovators Grant is a prestigious opportunity offered by the Network Association of Uniform Manufacturers and Distributors (NAUMD) to support emerging talents in attending the 2024 NAUMD Convention. This grant aims to foster knowledge, networking, and growth among students passionate about the uniforms, image apparel, and workwear industry.


  • Open to all current college students with an interest in textiles, apparel, fashion, merchandising, marketing, business, or related fields.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a keen interest in the uniforms, image apparel, and workwear industry.

Grant Coverage:

  • The grant is available exclusively for the 2024 NAUMD Convention.
  • Up to eight (8) recipients will be selected.
  • Includes three nights of hotel accommodation, a transportation stipend up to $250, full registration for the convention, access to all educational sessions, exhibit hall, and networking receptions, along with complimentary meals and beverages.

Obligations of Recipients:

  • Recipients are required to attend the entirety of the 2024 NAUMD Convention.
  • Commit to actively participating in all scheduled educational events.
  • Visit the exhibit hall to engage with exhibitors and learn about the latest industry innovations.
  • Attend networking receptions to connect with industry professionals and fellow attendees.

Application Process:

  • Applicants must complete the designated application form by the specified deadline.
  • Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of industry professionals, with selections made based on demonstrated interest and potential impact on the applicant’s career.

General Rules:

  • The grant is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other form of compensation.
  • Recipients will be responsible for any expenses exceeding the provided stipend and grant coverage.
  • By accepting the grant, recipients agree to adhere to all convention rules and behave in a professional manner throughout the event.

Selection Process:

  • The selection committee will evaluate applications based on clarity of expression, demonstrated interest in the industry, and potential for professional development.
  • Decisions made by the selection committee are final.


  • Selected recipients will be notified via email and must confirm their acceptance within a specified timeframe to secure their grant.

Cancellation Policy:

  • In the event that a recipient is unable to attend the convention, NAUMD must be notified immediately. The grant may be reallocated based on the discretion of NAUMD.


  • Recipients agree to provide feedback on their experience and may be asked to participate in post-convention promotional activities or testimonials.


  • Personal information collected during the application process will be used solely for the purpose of administering the grant and will not be disclosed to third parties without consent.

By applying for the Future Innovators Grant, applicants acknowledge their understanding and agreement to abide by these rules and regulations. This initiative is more than a grant; it’s an investment in the future leaders of the uniforms, image apparel, and workwear industry.

All grants for 2024 have been awarded.

Check back here for the 2025 grant application starting in 2025.