
End-of-Life Uniform Programs: Dog beds made from old work clothes

Nov 18, 2024 | Aileen's Uniform Atlas

The Pulse is pleased to present Aileen’s Uniform Atlas, a recurring feature written by Aileen Out.
Out is the owner of Prettybusiness, a news blog in the Netherlands that focuses exclusively on work clothing.

When it comes to reusing old workwear, we’ve seen plenty of creative ideas. However, most initiatives share one common goal: benefiting humanity. Workwear and PPE supplier Westpeak decided to take a different approach. They’ve developed a recycling program that doesn’t just help people but also dogs. Not only is this great for the dogs, but it also offers significant benefits for the participating companies.

Turning 10 Kilos of Workwear Into a Dog Bed

You’ve probably seen images of dogs in animal shelters. Often, there are more dogs than beds, and those that do have a bed are stuck with old, worn-out ones. Westpeak’s new project offers a clever solution to this problem. Customers of this New Zealand-based company can return their old workwear to Westpeak. The clothing is shredded and used as filling for dog beds, which are then donated to local shelters.

When a dog is adopted, their new owner receives a dog bed as well. This program has been running for a year, and around 20 companies have joined so far. Together, they’ve provided enough discarded workwear to fill 100 dog beds, each weighing up to 10 kilos. Companies can also opt to give these dog beds to their employees.

Multiple Benefits

This initiative is a refreshing example of sustainable recycling. It offers several advantages that other recycling projects often don’t. For instance, it not only reduces textile waste but also supports organizations that rely heavily on donations.

Moreover, it’s a practical recycling method. Companies participating in the program receive a box to collect their old workwear. Once the box is full, it can be sent back to Westpeak.

Unlike recycling for items like bags or pencil cases, the clothing doesn’t need to be flawless. Details like color or fabric condition don’t matter since the material ends up inside a cushion. The only requirement is that the clothing is clean and odor-free. Stains, zippers, and logos are no issue. Upon receipt, the old clothing is shredded, placed into an insert, and covered with a large cushion cover. One box of old workwear is enough to make one dog bed.

Showcasing Sustainability

Companies that participate in the program receive a badge from Westpeak, which they can display on their website or social media. This allows them to show their customers how they’re giving their workwear a second life—a great boost for their image.

I hope more companies will launch similar projects. After all, as any dog owner knows, a dog’s love and loyalty are boundless, and they certainly deserve something in return.