naumd BEST DRESSED public safety awards®
Best Dressed Public Safety Award®
Each year, the NAUMD presents the Best Dressed Public Safety Award® to police, fire and sheriff departments across North America.
Each year, the NAUMD presents the Best Dressed Public Safety Award® to police, fire and sheriff departments across North America. Independent judges evaluate the submissions based on 1) appearance 2) functionality for the job 3) use of technology & innovation 4) department maintains uniform standards to determine the best overall uniform programs. In addition to recognizing the departments, the award recognizes the distributors and manufacturers involved in the program. The judges award a maximum of 100 points to a submission. The submission with the most total points from all the judges is the winner.
Now open we are accepting submissions for the 2021 awards. The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2021. Three FINALISTS will be named in each category. All FINALISTS will receive a certificate designating their status. The national WINNERS will be named at the convention on October 26, 2021.
Any association member or department is eligible to submit their customer’s program. Award winners are announced at the NAUMD Annual Convention & Expo. Winning the award creates a lasting bond between the provider and their customer. And uniforms make good news stories too - the competition enjoys media exposure from both online and print platforms, as this sample from a past competition demonstrates.
The goal of the awards is to promote professionalism and excellence within the uniform industry. The NAUMD membership is a community for the uniform industry that works on projects to help all pursue a common future.
Submission Categories:
Law Enforcement - Small (Under 100)
Law Enforcement - Medium (100 to 500)
Law Enforcement - Large (Over 500)
First Responders - Small (Under 100)
First Responders - Medium (100 to 500)
First Responders - Large (Over 500)
Private Security Companies
Military Affairs
- Complete the Best Dressed Public Safety Award® entry form on the NAUMD website. Answer all questions, and upload photos or drawings of your program which include both individual and group photos of the uniform program. A maximum of 7 photos may be submitted.
- Only uniform programs worn within the North America are eligible to be entered.
- The uniform must be currently worn be the organization. If the uniform is being rolled out over time, the rollout must have begun by November 30, 2020.
- Submissions are currently being accepted. SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS September 1, 2021.
- Entries will be judged and the winners notified by email and by phone for a follow-up questionnaire.
- The NAUMD retains the right to use all photographs in publicity and future promotion materials.
- Winners will be honored at the convention's awards dinner on October 26, 2021. A representative must be present to receive the award.
Judging Criteria
The Best Dressed Public Safety Awards® are judged on a 100 point system. Each category will have a point maximum. All submissions will be electronically submitted. The submission consists of up to seven photographs of the uniform program and answers to a series of questions. This is the only information that may be used in judging each submission. Judges will score submissions in four categories.
- Overall Appearance: Using the photographs provided to compare the appearance of uniform programs within a category. Weight will be given to submissions that show multiple uniforms worn by different job functions within a department. Maximum Value 50 Points
- Technology/Innovation: How does the uniform program incorporate new technologies or innovations in it's design to make the uniform more functional or comfortable? Maximum Value 25 Points.
- Problems solved or improvements made for the department: Does this uniform program solve any problems or create improvements for the wearer of the uniform? Maximum Value 20 Points
- Maintain appearance standards: Does the department have a process in place to ensure the uniform is worn properly and appearance maintained? Maximum Value 5 points.