
Designing for the future: Advancing Inclusivity With Bodi.Me

Nov 11, 2024 | Workwear


With the recent release of Vogue’s SS25 inclusivity report,  attention is drawn to the strides already made in this area in fashion but also to how much there still is to do. Sizing, gender, cultural inclusivity and so forth are big topics in fashion but for those within the workwear industry, there are additional considerations such as safety and productivity. Poorly fitted garments may not protect the wearer as required and discomfort, be it physical or emotional, can lead to a lack of productivity so workwear needs to fit well and feel comfortable, on everyone.

NAUMD network member Bodi.Me recently participated in a Professional Clothing Industry Association Worldwide (PCIAW) inclusivity round table. Driven by the changing demographics of the global workforce, the industry has made big advances in this area over the past few years. However, participants in the round table agreed that there was more work to be done. Considerations such as neurodiversity, cultural and religious requirements, and workwear for maternity and menopause were all covered.