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Nurses feel new NHS uniform colors are ‘missed opportunity’

Oct 9, 2023 | Healthcare

Nurses have aired their frustration, and further confusion, about new NHS uniforms which will differentiate clinical staff by color.

Dr Crystal Oldman, chief executive of the Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI), dubbed it a “missed opportunity”, after many nurses felt the profession had been misrepresented in the new uniforms. Another nurse, from London, said confusing job titles risked “watering down the nursing profession” in the eyes of the public.

The uniform, designed and organized by NHS Supply Chain, introduced 15 “colourways” for NHS clinical staff, with a further 12 trim colors for allied health professionals like therapists and dieticians. During a consultation into the idea of uniforms with professions differentiated by colors, a vast majority of nurses backed it – but what was unveiled last week was not universally well received. Read More


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